Monday, September 22, 2014

unrealistic, much?

a beautiful comparison by marleen williams, phD at brigham young university.

perfectionism vs. wholeness

1) unreasonable goals 

2) self-worth based on achievements

3) can't feel satisfied

4) based on comparisons w/others

5) feels unloved and invalidated unless performing well, 
cannot share mistakes without excessive shame

6) excessive fear of failure

7) external standards for success

8) goals exceed present performance by a huge degree

9) cannot find pleasure in progress toward a goal; 
focus is only on the outcome

10) emphasis on keeping life under control


1) obtainable, realistic goals

 2) self-worth inherent from [God]

 3) can self-reward

4) recognizes individual uniqueness

5) accepts self as valuable while acknowledging
 human weakness

6) can accept failure as part of the learning process; 
able to keep trying

7) goals derived from inner awareness

8) goals reflect growth to the next stage of progressive 

9) enjoys the 'journey'

10) emphasis is on keeping life in balance

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